自然科学学院(NSCI. 爱德华的 University encompasses the traditional natural sciences; computational sciences; clinical laboratory science; 和 生物信息学, 生物学交叉的跨学科研究领域, 数学, 计算机科学.
Our 自然科学 programs provide in-depth knowledge of scientific fields while taking into consideration broader aspects of the liberal arts education — an emphasis on creativity, 批判性思维和写作.
Our curriculum also places a strong emphasis on collaborative, 亲自动手的 learning. Classwork 和 研究 are conducted in world-class classrooms, labs, 和 in the 野生盆地创意研究中心. 我们组成了 跨学科科学研究所(i4), an educational 和 professional framework that aids in building cross-sector partnerships 和 interdisciplinary collaborations through funding mechanisms for NSCI faculty 和 students. 除了, study abroad opportunities have been integrated into our programs so students can explore the world without extending their degree completion timelines.
的 自然科学学院 is committed to establishing, sustaining, 和 fostering:
与…保持一致. 爱德华的圣十字任务, 我们教育有抱负的科学家的心灵和思想, 为他们提供解决难题的知识和经验, 努力解决他们工作中的道德和伦理问题, 与广泛的受众进行有效的沟通, 和 help ensure that scientific progress benefits the whole of humanity 和 not just a select few.
由六个部门组成, 我们开设天文学课程, 生物信息学, 生物学, 化学, 计算机科学, 法医科学, 科学概论, 运动机能学, 数学, 和物理. Most of our classes 和 labs take place in the John Brooks Williams 自然科学s Center — two of the newest academic buildings on campus, 专门为21世纪的科学需求而建造的. 以我们的设施和本科教育为主, 我们能够提供无与伦比的学生研究机会. 我们的许多学生在校园和当地展示他们的作品, 区域, 以及全国性的会议, 经常获得表彰其研究项目质量的奖项. 我们的教师都是创新的教师和各自领域的领导者, 致力于所有学生的成功.
自然科学学院开设30多个本科专业, 小, 以及证书课程, 包括环境生物学和气候变化的新学士学位, 数据分析证书, 辅修生物信息学, 健身和调理, 娱乐管理. 我们的卫生系统学士学位 & administration provides an opportunity for working healthcare professionals to complete a bachelor's degree 和 open doors for leadership roles in their fields. 此外,我们与美国其他大学的合作伙伴关系.S. 让学生建立在他们的St. 爱德华的 education 和 earn two degrees in five years—one from SEU 和 one from the partner institution—with guaranteed admission 和 financial aid for those who qualify. 例子包括多个工程项目 华盛顿大学. 路易, UTMB临床实验室科学,和 尊重 圣母大学的创业项目.
我们同意 跨学科科学研究所(i4) 是为了建设跨学科科学的能力而建立的, 信息学, 和 emerging technologies as we increase students’ readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Paid summer internships are among the opportunities i4 makes available for our students.
我们还经营 野生盆地创意研究中心 和 manage the 227-acre 野生盆地野生保护区, located a short drive from campus. 教师, 工作人员, 志愿者, 公众可以直接进入野生盆地, 一个通往30号公路的入口,000多英亩的阳台峡谷地保护区.
过去几年带来了许多挑战, but the 自然科学学院 remains a vibrant 和 inclusive community of learners, 老师, 学者, 和专业人士. We are preparing the next generation of scientists to meet these challenges in the pursuit of a more just world. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions or would like to learn more.
从基因的层次来研究生物学, 通过细胞和器官系统, 生物体的种群.
通过独特的方式学习基本的化学原理和理论, 亲自动手的, collaborative learning experiences designed to prepare graduates for a variety of careers.
Study the theory 和 development of computer software by learning algorithmic processes that create, 描述, 转换信息.
Learn how to collect 和 analyze evidence from crime scenes so it can be used in court cases or the criminal justice system.
Explore the principles 和 theories related to fitness 和 the human body — from the basics of bio-mechanics to exercise physiology.
Pursue your passion for problem-solving 和 prepare for high-impact careers in engineering, 统计数据, 金融, 密码学, 航空, 科学研究或商业.
的 John Brooks Williams North building is home to the University's cutting-edge laboratory instrumentation, 包括奥林巴斯的共聚焦显微镜系统, 复合型和解剖型荧光显微镜, 和核磁共振室. 该建筑的屋顶配备了两个独立的转基因温室.
A Makerspace expected to be fully operational in Spring 2022 will be home to "making" resources for teaching, 研究, 和研讨会.
的 John Brooks Williams South building houses high-powered computing laboratories that support projects in robotics, 环境科学与生物信息学. Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) program awarded its 3-star rating to the building for its environmentally sensitive design. 的 sun penetrates southern-facing windows in the winter to increase solar heat intake, 而大的悬垂和窗纱则限制了夏季的太阳辐射.
St. 爱德华的 野生盆地野生保护区 serves as an interdisciplinary 研究 lab 和 a 亲自动手的 learning center for students. 野生盆地 extends over 227 acres within the Balcones Canyonl和s Preserve system with hiking trails, 向公众开放志愿者机会和活动.
师生合作提供了不可替代的洞见机会, 创新与增长.
“I guide my students through the discovery process that generates a new awareness of compelling ideas. 这 kind of thought-provoking exchange of questions 和 ideas creates an ideal environment for both the development of students as well as myself as the teacher.——迈克尔·P. 萨科洛,博士,数学教授
的 卓越教学中心 最近(2020-21)被授予计算机科学教授 Dr. Bilal Shebaro 授予杰出教学奖, 通过严格的“评估候选人的课程设置”程序选出, 课程设计, 教学方法, 课堂表现, 以及与学生的互动."
看看下面的链接,你就能一睹圣. 365比分网电竞:
联合国的使命 跨学科科学研究所(i4) 是建立跨学科科学的能力, 信息学, 和 emerging technologies as we increase students’ readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
学院协调校内跨学科活动, 组织与公共和私营实体的跨部门合作协议, networks STEM majors with employers 和 graduate programs through guaranteed internships, 和更多的.
高级研讨会, 一年一度的活动可以追溯到1993年, gives 自然科学s senior students an opportunity to present their 研究 at the end of the academic year. 获得生物科学学位的毕业生, 计算机科学, 我们鼓励学生参加.
我们最近的2022年专题讨论会 Dr. Ilya J. 芬克尔斯坦, Associate Professor of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Texas at Austin, 作为我们的 跨学科科学研究所(i4).
卢西安专题讨论会 honors the late Brother Lucian Blersch, CSC, a longtime professor of Engineering at St. 爱德华的. An endowment in his name provides support for 研究 endeavors of the NSCI professor chosen as Lucian Chair. 自2001年以来, the Lucian Chair has helped organize a public symposium that brings noted scientists to campus 和 highlights natural science 研究.
2023年研讨会, 全球卫生挑战-非传染性疾病, 将于周五在校园里举行吗, 9月29日, 欢迎大家参加!
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